Johnny Mercyside

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bitesize: #4

Hey everyone,

This is my first Bitesize post since December. I basically just run down a few things that are on my mind about anything. It's just a merge of interests into one.

First I'd like to talk about the Liverpool vs Sunderland match that was on today. In our first match in the Premier League we drew 1-1, with Suarez getting our goal. He missed a penalty earlier in what was a god awful miss. He redeemed himself though. Our first half performance was excellent, you wouldn't have thought that four of the eleven players on the pitch were making their official debut. We passed the ball around nicely and Charlie Adam was definitely the catalyst in the middle which makes me happy. But the second half performance left a lot to be desired and we conceded a goal which should have been avoided. Don't get me wrong it was an excellent goal that they scored, but we probably could have done something about it before it got to their player. We're going against Arsenal next week and we really could have done with a win here. Getting three points next week is going to be a harder task, and to think about us drawing or losing against the Gunners is horrible considering it would mean a pretty bad start to the campaign. Let's remain optimistic though.

In wrestling news Summerslam is on Sunday and I can't wait to watch it on Monday. John Cena vs CM Punk is obviously the main event and rightfully so. But let's not take anything away from Randy Orton and Christian, who have definitely had the feud of the year so far. I've talked a lot about Cena and Punk, here and here to be exact. Christian and Randy Orton have been having stellar ****+ star matches for months now and this match, which could possibly end the entire feud, could be the pick of the bunch. The No Holds Barred element makes it a fresh encounter and as a fan I desperately want to see Christian retain. Edge could be involved in the match, who knows. Summerslam is a PPV I'm really looking forward to, although it's unlikely as a 3 hour production, to match last month's Money in the Bank PPV. It should be good nevertheless.

In video games, the game I'm looking to getting next is the full HD port of Resident Evil 4 on the XBox 360. I've played it on the PS2 and the Wii already, yet now that I have a full HD TV, I really look forward to playing that game on it, it's easily one of the best games ever made and to see the graphics polished up and to get achievements on it is worth the pennies I'll put towards it. Who knows, I might review it? I haven't reviewed a Resi game ever before. I've been thinking of doing a Resi 5 review but it's never been done for one reason or another. In article news, I'm preparing a Resident Evil article, it should be up in the next week or so. I'm not going to reveal anything else on it yet though. Stay tuned.

In music, I have an abundance of music albums that I want to review. The first being Radiohead's King of Limbs, but I also have albums by the Foo Fighters, Saul Williams and Jon Fratelli that I'd like to put my thoughts to soon. Writing album reviews is always the hardest thing for me personally. I always struggle to write how I feel about the sound of music. I can easily tell the difference between a good and a bad album in my head, but getting it down in text isn't always an easy thing. But these pieces should be done at some point or another, with the Radiohead album review up first, once again, in the next week or so.

I haven't felt too good recently, I've been ill with some coldy fluey thing. Again. In the middle of summer it really sucks. But writing isn't too much of a problem, as long as I keep the keyboard clean naturally. It's just contagious, as I know a few people have had this before me. Hey ho.

Well that's my bitesize post done.  I'll be back in a few days with either the Resident Evil article, or the Radiohead one. Who knows what will come first, I've got them both pretty much finished, I just need to touch them up a bit before releasing them into the wild. What? You're all savage wolves! Don't deny it! Anyway, until next time, take care.

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