Johnny Mercyside

Friday, January 06, 2012

WWE World Champion Knockout Game - Round 4: The Quarter Finals

Hello again and welcome back to my WWE World Champion Knockout Game. Round 3 came to an end today. For the last week I've been asking for your votes on who make the best World Champions and I've had tallies going on this site, and two other forums. I can now reveal the results.

The Pedigree Bracket
(1) Triple H vs (6) Chris Benoit - Triple H wins 18 votes to 4.

The Sweet Chin Music Bracket 
(1) John Cena vs (2) Shawn Michaels - Shawn Michaels wins 16 votes to 6.

The Jackhammer Bracket

(1) Edge vs (3) Jeff Hardy - Edge wins 19 votes to 3.

The Brogue Kick Bracket

(1) The Rock vs (2) Bret Hart - The Rock wins 13 votes to 9.

The Chokeslam Bracket

(2) CM Punk vs (4) Booker T - CM Punk wins 20 votes to 2.

The Tombstone Piledriver Bracket

(1) The Undertaker (3) Kane - The Undertaker wins 21 votes to 1.

The Codebreaker Bracket

(1) Hulk Hogan vs (2) Chris Jericho - Chris Jericho wins 14 votes to 8. 

The Stone Cold Stunner Bracket

(1) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs (2) Kurt Angle - Stone Cold Steve Austin wins 18 votes to 4.

No major shocks in Round 3, some #2 seeds beat #1 seeds but that's about it. And we have a winner for each bracket, 8 wrestlers are left and they will be paired off like this, as explained in the Round 1 post:
Just a reminder, that picture above is who is pairing off against who, the bracket number they have and the total amount of titles they have won.

To vote, vote or comment below, or message me on my Facebook page, my Twitter, or email me. 

Now that mumbo jumbo is out of the way, here's The Quarter Finals! Round 5, the Semi Finals, will be posted on Friday 13th January. 

Round 4: The Quarter Finals

*Voting Closed*

The Pedigree Bracket vs The Stone Cold Stunner Bracket
(1) Triple H vs (1) Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Sweet Chin Music Bracket vs The Codebreaker Bracket
(2) Chris Jericho vs (2) Shawn Michaels

The Jackhammer Bracket vs The Tombstone Piledriver Bracket
(1) Edge vs (1) The Undertaker

The Brogue Kick Bracket vs The Chokeslam Bracket
(1) The Rock vs (2) CM Punk

*Voting Closed*

To summarise, to vote, you can list your preferred champions in the polls above. But I can also accept votes elsewhere, you can vote on my Facebook, my Twitter or via email. Votes will be tallied and Round 5, The Semi Finals will be posted on Friday 13th January. Happy voting!

For the latest updates on my work, 'like' me on Facebook here!

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