Johnny Mercyside

Sunday, March 29, 2020

My Top 50 Favourite Resident Evil Moments: #50 to #41

Ahoy there and welcome to another one of my listings. With the dust settled on Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake announced and less than a week away I thought now would be a good time to reveal what my 50 favourite moments are in the series. When I say the series I'm talking about the main games, so I'm not including Resident Evil Survivor, Revelations or Umbrella Chronicles or similar. It's literally Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 Remake and 2 Remake.

Some of these moments are scary, some are funny, some are sad and some are just iconic.

I'll post these 50 moments across 5 parts over 5 days. Today I'm posting #50 to #41, so come back tomorrow for #40 to #31.

Because some people prefer videos, some prefer text, some prefer GIFs and some want just a picture - I tried to get one of everything in here for each entry.. although some seem to have disappeared due to copyright issues perhaps. Some explanations may be longer than others. And don't forget - all of this is my opinion, so if you disagree, that's cool, we can discuss that in the comments.

I shouldn't have to say but just in case - there are likely to be SPOILERS in these posts. So if you've not played any of the games above and don't want to know what happens, don't take the risk!

Enjoy my favourite moments from *FLASH*
Resident. Evil.

#50 - The Mysterious White Bag - Resident Evil 4
Right at the end of Resident Evil 4 - and we mean one of the last rooms you enter in the entire game has the last Regenerator enemy to defeat in there. Before that though you can open a cupboard to find a white bag inside. It takes a good couple of seconds, but after a moment, the bag starts moving. And moving. And it won't stop unless to strike or shoot it with a weapon, and when you do it stretches in a weird way and flops dead.


What was it?

The answer remains a mystery to this day. It has no impact to the game in any way, shape or form and you don't even have to open the cupboard. It's just a weird moment and it's simplicity is great.

#49 - Piers Nivans' Sacrifice - Resident Evil 6
Let's get something out of the way - Resi 6 is by far the worst entry in the series. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have its moments. And when I say moments I do literally mean... moments. Most of it is just meh. And again, my opinion here, one redeeming thing about Resi 6 is actually Chris Redfield. I've never been the biggest Chris fan, and his character in Resi 5 was really crap in honesty. But in Resi 6 he does somehow redeem himself. Acting like the elderly statesman to a group of young BSAA rookies, he is the role model for the likes of Finn and Piers. More on Finn later.

But Piers is the shining light of the BSAA. He's young, quite brash, but quickly becomes an incredibly reliable soldier working alongside Chris and is there when the shit hits the fan. He's the future. But then he gets attacked and infected by a monster named Haos. He still helps Chris defeat the monster and Chris says they'll escape.

But Piers has other ideas. He throws Chris into the escape pod and locks the door. Chris begs him to open the door but Piers refuses.

It's a heartbreaking moment in the game, one that caught me by surprise. Mainly because everything leading up to this point in Chris' story was mostly boring, apart from other scenes which we'll get to later. Chris was supposed to retire after training up these young rookies in Finn and Piers. But he outlives them and continues to fight on in their memory.

#48 - Lurker Frogs - Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 0 isn't a bad game, not at all. It's decent enough. Most of the general enemies in the game are dull... apart from Lurker Frogs. These massive frogs don't look that intimidating and that's part of the beauty of the situation. By this point in the series, most fans had played Resi 1, Resi 2, Resi 3, Code Veronica and Resi 1 Remake. We had seen countless enemies in that time.

We get towards the end of Resi 0 and see a big frog jump out of the water. We take a look at it and almost laugh. They look like shit versions of Hunters.

But then they attack you with their massive tongue and drag you towards them... and eat you whole. That's it. Game Over.

What just happened??

Did that really just happen??

It really comes out of nowhere, and it's a one-hit kill. The only way out of it is if you have both Rebecca and Billy, and one shoots the Lurker Frog before the other gets eaten. But chances are the first few times you encounter these frogs you're separated, so until you reunite you literally have to either be quick and kill them before they attack you, or run and run FAST. Because their tongues are really long and once they attack, you're fucked.

#47 - The Master of Unlocking - Resident Evil
Some fans may say I'm placing this too low in the list and I understand if you're one of those people. It's a classic moment but there was so much to cover in this Top 50 it just kept getting bumped downwards. It's still an amazing moment though.

If you don't know, the original Resident Evil had some TERRIBLE acting. I mean just woeful. And most of the worst lines were by Barry Burton. I mean, personally, when I say the acting is terrible, I LOVE it. I love how cheesy the lines are. I love the poor dialogue. And Barry's lines are absolute corkers.

"Jill, here's a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you."

I mean, sure. Maybe Jill is AMAZING at unlocking doors. If Jill was in Skyrim, perhaps her Pickpocket Level is 100. But to call her "The Master of Unlocking" is just a strange phrase to use. ESPECIALLY in a situation where you're stuck in a mansion full of zombies and other monstrosities. It's simply a classic Resident Evil moment and I love it.

#46 - Eveline's True Identity - Resident Evil 7
I did warn you about spoilers! Don't want to know the true identity of Eveline? Skip ahead. I mean it. The video thumbnail for the YouTube video shows you who it is! You get this warning for free.

You don't mind knowing who Eveline is? Or know already? Okay. Fine. So yeah. I'm not going to lie to you, when you find out that Eveline is actually the old lady in the wheelchair it did catch me by surprise. Is it the biggest plot twist in video game history? No. But it's still fun and I didn't see it coming. All this time, seeing that creepy old lady, doing nothing, singing in corridors, staring at you like a Mona Lisa painting, barely surviving, never dying, just... being... there. And of course, there's that one particular corridor where she's not facing you and you think this is the moment - she's gonna grab you, but she doesn't. Then when you turn around she's disappeared.

Eveline's plot twist wasn't expected and it's not the most original reveal but I did really enjoy it regardless.

#45 - Playground Fun - Resident Evil 6
I missed this moment when I first played Resident Evil 6! I did go down the slide and that was comical. But I didn't actually ride the panda! It's one of those moments where you think... did that just happen?? But I'm glad it did. Resident Evil over the years has had moments where you do wonder if the games take themselves too seriously. But we have over the years had some hilarious moments in the game. So it was a refreshing change of pace to have Chris Redfield mess about in a playground despite bioterrorism threatening to destroy the world. It's hilarious!

#44 - G-Adult - Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake was brilliant. Truly brilliant. What they kept the same was mostly the right decision and what they changed was usually for the better. There were some things I didn't agree with and to read my thoughts on that click here.

But one thing that was a stroke of genius was what they did with G-Adult.

In the original Resi 2, G-Adult was the first boss in the game. There was only one, and it was the creature that burst out of Ben or Chief Irons, depending on if you were playing as Leon or Claire respectively in the A Campaign. It's the offspring of William Birkin's monster who is trying to find the correct host.

So by that logic, there shouldn't be one G-Adult, but many. William Birkin creeps all the way from the labs underground to the sewers and then to the police station. So it makes a lot of sense to suggest that there can't be just one G-Adult, because William Birkin must have planted many embryos in many poor victims on his way up.

So Capcom realised this and made the decision in the Remake to scrap the G-Adult boss and instead make him a regular enemy. And what an enemy he is. He's an absolute grotesque bag of gore, eyes, flesh and poison. It's fucking revolting. And defeating them are an absolute pain in the ass. So bravo Capcom, for making a great change from the original game to the Remake in making G-Adult far more significant in the latter.

#43 - Wesker vs Chris - Resident Evil Code Veronica
When I first played Resident Evil Code Veronica I was so happy with the return of Wesker. I'll talk more about that in a later entry in this list. But one of the best things about the return of Wesker was the rivalry between Wesker and Chris. They hate each other, and for very good reason. Wesker betrayed the STARS team and Chris thwarted Wesker's plans back in the mansion in Resi 1, leaving him for dead.

And in the end of Code Veronica, we get to see what we really wanted - a fight between Wesker and Chris. And sure, it's a little one sided with Wesker's superpowers, but Chris, as he always does, manages to use some tricks up his sleeve. It's one of my favourite moments in Code Veronica and for some unknown reason not many people give the scene the love I feel it deserves. I love this fight!

#42 - The First Zombie - Resident Evil
Again, this is another moment I can see a lot of fans questioning why I've placed this all the way down in #42. And as iconic as this moment truly is, it never did scare me much, even when I played the game as a kid in the late nineties. There were far more scary moments in Resident Evil 1 than this. But I can't deny it's status as one of video games truly iconic moments. It's likely to be in a Top 100 video game moments list of all time, if someone was to make such a list. It's truly video game royalty, when it comes to how big this moment was for so many people. It's just that as much as I like this moment, it just didn't move me as much as it seemed to for others.

Also, I never knew that Forest's head got decapitated. They seemed to edit that scene, depending on what version you played.

#41 - The Orphanage - Resident Evil 2 Remake
We return to the Remake of Resident Evil 2 with another "change" they made that wasn't in the original game. The whole orphanage segment of Claire's campaign is excellent. They added so much more to the story and relationship of Chief Irons and Sherry Birkin. And there are moments in the orphanage that are quite uncomfortable. Chief Irons is much more of a scumbag in this remake, and Sherry is far less annoying than she is in the original. Overall, those tweaks to those characters made this whole scene much more impactful than I ever anticipated. I didn't really care for either character in the original game, but my feelings for both characters were far more this time round. So, again, kudos Capcom, for making another great addition to the already good story of Resi 2.

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