Johnny Mercyside

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Top 10 Games NOT Featured on the Game of the Decade List

Hey all, and welcome to another video game listing. So yesterday I counted down my 10 Favourite  Games Featured on the Game of the Decade List. You can read that by clicking here. I also did that same listing 10 years ago with the previous decade, you can read that by clicking here.

So GameFAQs nominated their users to choose their favourite games of the decade and narrowed it down to their Top 128. That's a lot of games to be fair. But for me, there were some omissions that deserved some love. This is not taking away anything from the 128 games on the list, these are wonderful games, but I just felt that some other games needed highlighting too. So without any further delay, here are my Top 10 Games of the Decade NOT featured on that list.

#10: Armello
Available On: PC, Playstation 4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch
Original Release: 2015
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
My friend and sister both got me into Armello and I must say it's been a heck of a treat, playing this game. Armello does the perfect job in combining board games with online game play, the way the game plays out you genuinely wouldn't put it past the idea that the game was a board game before a video game. The truth is it's not, it's purely an online game. It had mixed to positive reviews on release but has since developed a strong cult fan base. If you want to try a different strategy RPG style board game, definitely give this a try. It's definitely best played online.

#9: Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
Available On: PC, Playstation 4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch
Original Release: 2017
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
I've reviewed this game for this website, you can view it here.

I was disappointed when I discovered that neither Crash Bandicoot Trilogy Remaster or Spyro Trilogy Remaster made the GameFAQs list, disappointed and a little surprised. A lot of GameFAQs users are actually a similar age to me (*coughs* early thirties *coughs*) so nostalgia does have a place in some of these placements. Both trilogies were solid remasters and done very well, and for me, Crash Bandicoot just edges it. I think Activision had a difficult job on their hands, ensuring that the games they were remastering were treated will the utmost care, because it wasn't their games when they were released in the late nineties. But they did it complete justice; the gameplay felt fresh yet almost identical to the original, and the addition of certain levels as free DLC and doing the Relic challenges on all three games were lovely touches.

#8: Rogue Legacy
Available On: PC, Playstation 3, PS Vita, Playstation 4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch
Original Release: 2013
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
The first time I heard about this game was actually by my son, he must have been four at the time - genuinely. He said that his Mum plays it at her house and I should give it a go. And honestly, it's a tremendous game. It's a rogue metroidvania game where you try and rescue the king in a randomly generated castle dungeon. You are likely to die many times playing through the game, and every time you do, your child tries to redeem your death, taking your abilities and coin forward to the next generation. It's very child friendly, at moments very funny and has a surprisingly deeper plot than it lets on at the beginning. It's well worth your time if you want to play a platformer that you may not have heard of before.

#7: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Available On: PC
Original Release: 2017
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
I implore you, if you have a PC and a Steam account, download this game. It's free. And whatever you do, don't check out for spoilers, and ride it out. It will take you 2 to 4 hours maximum.

You may start playing the game thinking, what is this? A dating sim? Why am I still playing it? It's cheesy, cringey, fluffy nonsense. Keep playing it. Ride it out. Trust me. The game takes a turn. And when it does, you won't look back. This is one of the scariest games I've ever played. And it's FREE. Download it and play it, please, I beg you. I don't want to say more than that. You won't regret it.

#6: Limbo
Available On: PC, XBox 360, XBox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch
Original Release: 2010
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
I've reviewed this game for this website, you can view it here.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Inside had made the Top 128 when nominations game in from GameFAQs users, but shocked when I realised that Limbo didn't make the cut. Out of the two experiences, I would have thought a lot of fans would have chosen Limbo, it's the original, it has a stronger art design and it made a much bigger impact upon release. Both games are incredible of course. If you want to play a game that looks absolutely stunning, full of puzzles and traps, lots of great atmospheric ambience then give this game a go. It's available very cheap nowadays. Again it's not the longest game in the world and can be finished in a few hours, but it's truly a wonderful experience with a plot that has been the topic of many a discussion to what the game truly is about and how it can be interpreted in many ways.

#5: Outlast
Available On: PC, Playstation 4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch
Original Release: 2013
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
When it comes to games on this list that truly surprised me that didn't make the cut, Outlast is definitely up there. While Resident Evil 7 made the list, there are true claims to be made that Resi 7 may not have existed the way it did if it wasn't for the likes of Outlast and PT having the impact they did. PT isn't a game but a demo of course, but Outlast was released and scared the absolute bejeezus out of people. It's truly a terrifying game that needs to be played. It showed horror fans a revitalised way of playing scary games, with the use of darkness, gritty graphics, and feeling truly defenceless. Outlast's camera and battery finding system really was a stroke of genius. Of course Outlast II upped the ante, but for me, the Outlast is the better experience, but both are worth a visit for horror fans.

#4: Until Dawn
Available On: Playstation 4
Original Release: 2015
My Rating: ****1/4 stars
When it comes to a polished horror experience, look no further than Until Dawn. This game mixes novel narration with horror to perfection. Again, I'm very surprised it didn't make the cut because many fans were surprised by how solid this game was. Until Dawn is probably the best "horror cliche" movie turned into video game ever made. What Heavy Rain did for murder and spy drama movies, Until Dawn does with horror movies. It takes its sweet time introducing you to these friends with different personalities and gives you the opportunity to see them all survive or die in the game. It has many great sequences and plenty of gory deaths on offer. Until Dawn is a must play for horror fans in a very different way to how Outlast was above.

#3: Final Fantasy XIII
Available On: PC, Playstation 3, XBox 360
Original Release: 2010
My Rating: ****1/2 stars
I've reviewed this game for this website, you can view it here.

I know this entry will divide people, it divides more Final Fantasy fans than any other entry in the series. I was surprised to see Final Fantasy XV in the 128 games cut but not XIII. For me it's a solid Final Fantasy experience. Is it perfect? No. Is it linear? Yes. But I love the battle system and the story, when you break it down is incredible. The stagger system that's getting so much love in Final Fantasy VII Remake stemmed from the very same stagger system that FF13 introduced. A lot of fans are torn on this game, in the same way why they were torn on XII - for me XIII is a much better game than XII. I'll leave it at that.

#2: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Available On: PC, PS Vita, Playstation 4, Nintendo DS
Original Release: 2010
My Rating: ****1/2 stars
I was pleasantly surprised when I read that Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward made the 128 games shortlist. I never expected any of the Zero Escape games to make the list because they have such a cult following. For me, the original game was the best of the trilogy and is a must when it comes to a starting point in this trilogy. If you want to try something different, definitely give the Zero Escape games a go. These games are Japanese visual novels with puzzle gameplay, but have some of the strongest narrative I've ever seen in a video game. In this game nine people are kidnapped and placed on a boat to play a game. The nine people all have numbered bracelets and must try and find ways to survive and escape the ship. Why are they on the boat? What do they have in common? Who kidnapped them and why? It's a great game that is terribly underrated. Do yourself a favour too and don't spoil the game for yourself, play through the games blind in order, starting with this one. The twists and turns throughout the gameplay will keep you guessing throughout the whole game in terms of what is going on.

#1: Detroit: Become Human
Available On: PC, Playstation 4
Original Release: 2018
My Rating: ****1/2 stars
When it comes to defining gaming moments of the decade, Detroit Become Human is very high on my list. I was very happy to see Heavy Rain make the 128 cut, but disappointed when I discovered this game didn't. Is it better than Heavy Rain? Many fans don't think so, but I do. What I love so much about this game is that it creates a bleak but equally possible future for humanity and robots. Robots have taken jobs and will continue to do so. There will be a time in the future when robots will be able to do things to make our lives even easier. Will robots ever become sentient? Many think so. The choices available in this game for its three robots really tests you as a person. Do you want them to be slaves to humans? Should they be sentient? There's that and so much more in this game. I cried during moments of this game in ways I haven't done for a long long time. I have no shame in that. It moved me in so many ways and I'm so thankful to have had this game in my life and it truly was one of the best gaming experiences of this decade, and deserves much more attention.

I hope you enjoyed the list. What for you are the best games of the last 10 years? Comments below are greatly appreciated. Until next time, take care and see you soon!

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