Johnny Mercyside

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bitesize: #6

Hey there, welcome to another edition of Bitesize. Just in case you're not too familiar, my bitesize posts are there to talk about a group of things in one go, either because a lot has happened and I haven't the time to touch on all of it in great detail, or to announce site news.

Let's start off with the wrestling. Night of Champions was on Sunday and then Raw was yesterday. Both shows were mediocre, which is a shame as the WWE was on a decent roll until then. Let's hope it's a blip. My main topic to do with wrestling is the booking. There has been some questionable booking on both shows in the past two days. Let's start with John Cena winning his twelfth world title. I mean that's just stupid saying it. He's now on par with Hulk Hogan in total title reigns, and one behind Triple H, and four behind Ric Flair. And he's only 34. It's just a pathetic statistic really. An even worse statistic? He's won the title three times in four months. Even more pathetic.

I've talked about my feelings on John Cena before. Yes his in ring ability sometimes leaves a lot to be desired (not to say he can't wrestle, his matches with CM Punk shows he can, but sometimes he has to depend on a good quality opponent for him to demonstrate how good he is), but he's today's biggest star for the right reasons. He makes the most money. He's the biggest role model for the business. He can be great on the mic. I have no problems with Cena being the main man most of the time. But he's already up there with Hogan, Flair and Hunter. At the age of 34 it's just not right. He could continue wrestling into his forties if he wants to. He's in great shape, and has been more fortunate than others with injuries. Where does it end? At this rate he could be at World Title #25 before he's fourty. He's won these twelve titles in six years. Who's to say he won't win another thirteen in the next six? It's not an unrealistic statistic.

Another booking decision I wasn't happy with was the divas match.In the words of Booker T, "whut da hayle"? Why book Beth Phoenix and Natalya like dominant women bullying barbies and then when the matches occur have them lose? It doesn't make sense. No one is going to buy "The Divas of Doom" if they don't win matches. Yes, these two PPV matches between Beth and Kelly Kelly have been relatively entertaining, and Kelly Kelly has won with a rollup in them. But she still won. Twice. It makes her look like the better wrestler. If she's the better wrestler, how is she being bullied? Bullies are strong. They are brutes. They lack intelligence, but they are brutes. Having Kelly Kelly win all the time yet still be scared of the bullies lacks logic. It would have been a brilliant storyline for Beth Phoenix to win the title, and The Divas of Doom just wreck havoc on the division. In a few months time Kelly Kelly starts to stand up to these bullies and eventually wins her title back. It would in the long term make Kelly Kelly look good to stand up to these bullies after months of relentless punishment. But now we have two big girls who talk big and lose matches. It's just silly booking.

Okay enough about wrestling. Onto video games. I played a bit of Dead Island the other day and while I don't want to do any mini review on it just yet on this site, it's worth picking up and renting at least, if you like FPS games. It's like a mixture of Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising and Borderlands in one. If you've been unsure whether or not you'll like it, rent it instead. It's worth the risk of renting at least, trust me. I'm going to buy a copy in the next few months, when I can afford to anyway!

Another video game I'm going to get is Resident Evil 4 in HD. I got a lovely HD TV the other month and playing what I believe is one of the best games of all time in true HD sounds fantastic. I'll probably do a review on that, despite the game being a few years old now. I'm not afraid to review old games or albums. It's something I'm thinking of doing more in a few months. I'll be reviewing Super Street Fighter 4 in the next fortnight. Not sure on when yet. I have a few other things I want to get through first before getting stuck into that.

In music, I'll be posting my "Psycho Jukebox" review probably towards the weekend. That's the debut album by Jon Fratelli, lead singer of The Fratellis going solo. I hope you'll enjoy that. As always at the start of each month I'm continuing to do my Yearly Music Review and October's year is 1997. It was a decent year now that I'm close to finishing writing it up. I preferred it to 1998. That should be good too I hope.

Last but not least is football. I don't really want to discuss much more about the Liverpool match we had on Sunday, primarily because I covered it live here, but also because it was an awful performance. Tomorrow I'll be covering the match against Brighton, where I'm hoping we can bounce back quickly and prepare for the match against Wolves with aplomb. Fingers crossed.

Well that's all from me in this edition of Bitesize. I'll be back tomorrow with my Live Thoughts against Brighton. Fingers crossed on Friday I'll have my "Psycho Jukebox" album review ready. Keep coming on my site for my views on music, wrestling, football and video games. Have a good night.

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