Johnny Mercyside

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Top 50 Favourite Resident Evil Moments: #30 to #21

Welcome to Part 3 of 5 in what is my Top 50 Favourite Resident Evil Moments. We're halfway there. If you missed from #40 to #31 then click here, and to view #50 to #41 click here.

Let's go!

#30 - Ada's Return - Resident Evil 4

Ada was seen at a glance much earlier in the game when she helps you out against "The Big Cheese" in Chapter 1-3, but this is actually an optional scene. Her official return is at the end of Chapter 3-2 in the Castle when she gets into a close enter with Leon. It's a great scene, considering that the last time that Ada and Leon really saw each other was towards the end of Resident Evil 2 when Ada seemingly dies, to Leon's distress. It's great seeing them back together, and throughout the whole game in fact, as Leon knows that Ada can't be trusted and Ada knows that Leon is a very commendable ally/foe. The tension between the two in this game is tremendous and it's a shame that it doesn't really go much further in Resident Evil 6.

#29 - Meeting Lisa Trevor - Resident Evil Remake

Aw crap. Lisa Trevor is terrifying. She was a very welcome addition to Resi 1 Remake, as she was never present in the original game. Hearing her ghastly moans before meeting her is a great moment too, but when she greets you by knocking her out with her chains and letting you rest at the side of her fireplace... it's an interesting and incredibly memorable introduction. What's even better is her backstory. It's so tragic, and I could go into detail about it but I'd rather not, there's plenty of analysis out there if you're interested! She's also invicible, you can never kill her no matter how hard you try. She's just a brilliant video game monster and a great addition to the Remake. She is also featured in my Top 50 Favourite Video Game Villains list, getting to #38.

#28 - Wesker vs Jill and Chris - Resident Evil 5
I'm not talking about the encounter in the actual game but rather the flashback sequence shown in Chapter 3-1, when Sheva asks Chris about Albert Wesker. At this point of the game you suspect that Jill has been killed, with her sacrificing herself to deal with Wesker. What I love about this whole scene is how badass Wesker is. He's one of my all time video game villains, if not my actual favourite. When he uses his superspeed and strength to take out both Chris and Jill, it's just an awesome watch. I also love the scene when he murders Oswell Spencer too. As much as Resi 5 overall is one of the weaker entries in the series, the majority of what they did with Wesker was tremendous.

#27 - The Return to the Police Station - Resident Evil 3 Nemesis

The funny thing about me doing this list at this time is that Resident Evil 3 Remake is literally around the corner... and this only one of two entries in this list from the original game. Why? It's not to say that Resi 3 was bad - far from it. I love Resi 3. But, Nemesis as an entity aside, they didn't really do a lot in Resi 3 that was done before with Resi 1 and 2. It's a very good game but I just don't find much of it memorable.

But one thing that was certainly memorable was going back to the police station. It's just so cool. Resident Evil 2's police station is simply one of the most iconic places in video game history, certainly in the Resident Evil game series. So when you get the opportunity to revisit the place in Resi 3 it immediately brought a smile to my face. And you use it as a safe haven to get away from Nemesis and it works... or does it? Of course not!

It'll be interesting to see how much of the police station we'll be able to access in Resi 3 Remake, comparatively with Resi 2 Remake, not long until we find out!

#26 - Reuniting with Mia - Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7 did so many things right, and was a true homage to the old school Resi games and horror in general. One of the best parts of the game are right at the beginning of the game. You're primary objective as Ethan is to find your wife, Mia Winters, and pretty much 20 minutes into the game you find her! Job done! Let's leave this horrible place and go home! End of game.

You just know that finding your wife so damn early into the game is NOT good news. It's gotta be bad. You expect her to turn into a monster or be a villain or something... but it doesn't happen... not straight away. It's fantastic tension building by Capcom because you just know it's gonna turn awry, and when it does it fucking DOES. The whole scene that follows is proper homage to The Evil Dead and it's great.

Well we're half way there. What are your thoughts so far? He's a recap from #50 to #26...

  • #50 - The Mysterious White Bag (Resident Evil 4)
  • #49 - Piers Nivans' Sacrifice (Resident Evil 6)
  • #48 - Lurker Frogs (Resident Evil 0)
  • #47 - The Master of Unlocking (Resident Evil)
  • #46 - Eveline's True Identity (Resident Evil 7)
  • #45 - Playground Fun (Resident Evil 6)
  • #44 - G-Adult (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
  • #43 - Wesker vs Chris (Resident Evil: Code Veronica)
  • #42 - The First Zombie (Resident Evil)
  • #41 - The Orphanage (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
  • #40 - Meeting El Gigante (Resident Evil 4)
  • #39 - Ada's Trap (Resident Evil 6)
  • #38 - Meeting Yawn (Resident Evil)
  • #37 - Crimson Heads (Resident Evil Remake)
  • #36 - Tyrant vs Birkin (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
  • #35 - The Gallery Room (Resident Evil)
  • #34 - The First Tape (Resident Evil 7)
  • #33 - Entering the Village (Resident Evil 4)
  • #32 - Meeting Mimicry Marcus (Resident Evil 0)
  • #31 - The First Zombie (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
  • #30 - Ada's Return (Resident Evil 4)
  • #29 - Meeting Lisa Trevor (Resident Evil Remake)
  • #28 - Wesker vs Jill and Chris (Resident Evil 5)
  • #27 - Return to the Police Station (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis)
  • #26 - Reuniting with Mia (Resident Evil 7)
All caught up? Good. Let's start the second half of this list!

#25 - "...SHIT." - Resident Evil 4
Otherwise known as the beginning of the game. I concentrate on Leon swearing because I believe this was the first time I had heard bad language in a Resident Evil game. Leon certainly uses the word a lot in Resi 4 and I love hearing it. But in seriousness, the beginning of Resi 4 is great. We'd NEVER seen anything like this before in the Resident Evil series, when we encounter our first of the Ganados. They can talk, they can carry weapons, they can run. It was an amazing moment and one of the most memorable parts in the series.

#24 - The Intro - Resident Evil
No matter what your opinion is on the Intro for the original Resident Evil game you can't deny how memorable it is. Time hasn't been kind to the original game and its original intro is certainly up there with the arguably cringiest parts of the game. But if you did play this back in 1996 or certainly in the late nineties, it wasn't that bad at all. I'd NEVER seen a horror game before Resident Evil, and parts of this intro did scare me. I love the hand being pulled from the ground, without the body, I love the full cut version of the intro too, with the dogs, it's very well done in parts. Sure the acting is awful, but I still love everything about this intro. And, if you haven't seen it before, watch this amazing parody done by Legendary Frog, it's amazing!

#23 - Meeting Nosferatu - Resident Evil Code Veronica
Nosferatu is a truly underrated Resi monster. It's a shame he wasn't used more because he's only in the game for, perhaps an hour at best, and you only face him once. He's actually quite important to the plot too, being the father of Alfred and Alexia Ashford. Facing him as a boss is incredibly memorable, because he's actually very difficult to defeat. You can only really attack him with either the knife or the rifle, and if you get too close he knocks you back, possibly off the platform, killing you instantly.

But before you face him as a boss, you meet him earlier and this is the scene for me that's the more memorable moment. You go into a safe room, with safe room music, and everything is hunkydory, before all of a sudden the music goes dead when you see a hidden passage behind a locker. You go through and see this metal grated floor section, and underneath is Nosferatu, chained and gagged, making the most ungodly scream ever. It's just a moment that catches you WAY off guard, because safe rooms are supposed to be safe, dammit!

#22 - Cerberus Teasing to Smash Through the Window - Resident Evil Remake
When Capcom were working on the Resident Evil remake, they wanted to create a game that would be great for people who had played the original and for those who hadn't. One of the very memorable moments in the original game was the corridor east on the first floor, when the dogs, which are called Cerberus, smash through the window and attack the player. Capcom knew that this area was truly memorable, so what did they do for the remake?

They teased the dog coming through the window, but it didn't break. It was a stroke of genius. Original fans were dreading going through this corridor, knowing how it all goes down in the first game, and when the dog teases to smash the window it's like, "oh, okay, well I wasn't expecting that!" And what's better? Is that there seems to be a random generator in terms of IF or HOW the dogs smash through the window in this area! You could go through this corridor three, four, five, six times, and the dogs will leave you alone, but they do spontaneously go through eventually! Capcom worked the original fans a treat with how they worked this section of the game, fair play!

#21 - Discovering the B Campaign - Resident Evil 2
Sometimes the best moments aren't necessarily in the actual game, but can be the game itself. Back in 1998, when Resident Evil 2 came out, it was quite a novel idea, seeing that you had two discs to play the game, one for each character. Disc 1 was the story of Leon Kennedy, where as Disc 2 was the story of Claire Redfield. Both campaigns and stories were different and equally great.

But when you finish one of the campaigns and see the words "Scenario 2nd" come up, with the opposite character to who you beat the game with, no one was expecting that. And it opened up two whole new chapters of the game!

If you're not familiar, Resi 2 has Leon and Claire's stories. Let's call them Leon A and Claire A. If you beat the game with Leon A, you unlock Claire B, and vice versa, you unlock Leon B when you beat the game on Claire A. There are differences between the four campaigns too!

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