Johnny Mercyside

Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #52

#52. “Warning" – Skindred
Released: 6/4/12
Album: Union Black

So at #65 Skindred had an entry with "Kill the Power", which while it was actually the second single off "Kill the Power" the album, it was technically the main promotional single. With "Warning" we now have the main single off the previous album which was "Union Black". They're both great singles and based on their entries on this list you can see that I do ever-so-slightly prefer "Warning". It's hard to point to why that's the case. If you've heard Skindred before then all you need to know is that they are both worth your time and if you haven't heard them, give them a listen. If you haven't heard Skindred before, listen anyway! They're a great reggae-metal band and sound like nothing else out there at the moment. Benji is an incredible talent in the mic and, being from Wales makes Skinded that much better. That's all there is to say really!

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #53 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #53

#53. “Gangnam Style" – PSY
Released: 15/7/12
Album: Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1

As you can tell by the fact that I've placed PSY at #72 in my list with "Gentleman", I have no shame putting "Gangnam Style" in this list. Further proof of my love of PSY is the fact that this music video hit #70 in my Top 100 Favourite Music Videos of All Time.

And I know it's a minor spoiler but - this is the second of three PSY songs to feature in this Top 100. "Gangnam Style" was fantastic. Sure, PSY, K-Pop and "Gangnam Style" are all a little bit "out there" for Westerners and some people hate it, or find it to strange or cheesy, but I really, REALLY don't care. If you actually understand "Gangnam Style", about it being about a district in South Korea where people thing they're the bees knees, act in a certain way, dress in a certain way and that PSY is taking the piss out of this culture, then we can all relate. And it's not done in a spiteful way either, more of a parody. I just love "Gangnam Style" and I even consider it to be a party favourite of mine.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #54 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Monday, March 28, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #54

#54. “Came Back Haunted" – Nine Inch Nails
Released: 6/6/13
Album: Hesitation Marks

You would think with Nine Inch Nails being my favourite band and with them only releasing the one album in the time frame we're covering that that all three singles would hit the Top 100 and be quite high. Unfortunately this isn't the case - this is the only song of the three singles off Hesitation Marks to his this chart and it didn't even hit the Top 50.

Don't get me wrong "Came Back Haunted" is a great track. "Copy of A" is okay and "Everything" is... actually the worst music single Nine Inch Nails have ever released. Truth is, "Hesitation Marks" is by far my least favourite NIN album. Yes, even worse than "Pretty Hate Machine" and "The Slip". I actually did an album review of "Hesitation Marks" for this website, complete, but I didn't post it for a few reasons. I can't be bothered going into why, ask me on Facebook sometime and I might give you an answer.

Sorry I'm being so negative. Anyway, as a song and as a music single "Came Back Haunted" is fine. It's great even. It grew on me slowly but surely and in the end became one of my most played songs of 2013. I can't say it's a classic NIN track but it's a good one. It doesn't do anything different or spectacular than most NIN tracks though. But it's what Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails does best, all crammed into a music single. It felt like a celebration and homage to what NIN's music has become. It's just a very good song, if unspectacular.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #55 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #55

#55. “Dibby Dibby Sound" – DJ Fresh vs Jay Fay (feat. Ms Dynamite)
Released: 2/2/14
Album: None

I remember hearing this song on an advert for the Brit Awards and just thinking that the all-round electronic sound was really cool. The part they used in the commercial was first verse with the "follow me, follow me right now, JUMP!" - and it just sounded so cool. When I heard the chorus was basically the word "DIBBY" being said 15 times followed by the word "SOUND" - four times, it put me off the song slightly.

But over time I grew to enjoy the whole song fully. It's very catchy, even if the chorus is arguably quite annoying. It's still a quality track, the music sounds awesome and MS Dynamite's verses are rapped well. It's definitely one of the highlight tracks of 2014 in the electronic/hip hop genre.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #56 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #56

#56. “Radioactive" – Imagine Dragons
Released: 29/10/12
Album: Night Visions

I think it's becoming quite clear that this song will be considered to be a "classic" song of this decade in the future. I can see this being looked upon as one of the biggest and best rock tracks, when we think of the legacy of music in this time frame. Of course, being at #56 suggests that I really like it, love it even, but I don't place it in the top echelons of that category.

What "Radioactive" does is create a really cool, funky, space and electronic dubstep inspired indie track with a very catchy chorus. I'd heard the song a lot before I really gave it a lot of my time, it became one of those songs that were part of the furniture, it was everywhere. But until you truly "listen" to the track, listen to the lyrics, listen to the lovely atmospheric music, absorb it all in and sing a long to that awesome chorus, you don't thoroughly appreciate the song. It's a damn fine indie track, and as I said, probably one of the biggest rock tracks this decade will produce.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #57 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #57

#57. “QWERTY" – Mushroomhead
Released: 15/4/14
Album: The Righteous and the Butterfly

I've never been a Mushroomhead fan, I don't know why, their music has never really appealed to me. So when one of my radio show listeners requested this for my Halloween show back in October 2014 I didn't think anything of it. But in fairness, this is a fantastic track. It's really catchy, and it's generally just lots of fun in a metal track. The lyrics are cool and the video is pretty badass as well. I definitely recommend the track to all metal fans really because it's better than most of the crap out there at the moment and the song, while it got some decent airplay isn't really as popular as it should be in my opinion.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #58 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #58

#58. “Tighten Up" – The Black Keys
Released: 23/4/10
Album: Brothers

I think "Tighten Up" was actually the first song I'd heard by The Black Keys. It was on FIFA 11 and I played that game a lot. At first I tolerated the song but, like a lot of songs on FIFA, you end up really liking them because you hear them so much on the Menus in the game. Like a lot of songs by The Black Keys, the song is mid-tempo with catchy a guitar riff. I can't put my finger on why I like this song as much as I do, but it's one of those songs I just like to sing along to... very badly! The song also won a Grammy and is actually one of their most successful songs to date. It's just a very good song basically!

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #59 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #59

#59. “The Devil in I" – Slipknot
Released: 24/8/14
Album: .5: The Gray Chapter

At #77 in my list was "The Negative One", you can read that here. At first I preferred "The Negative One" to "The Devil I" when they both were released before the album. I loved the raw energy that "The Negative One" offered, where as this was a more mellow song, not too different from Vermillion in certain aspects. But over time I've grown to prefer this track. I think it was when I saw it live last year (they were incredible) and listening to Corey Taylor sing it so well. He doesn't get enough credit to how good he can sing, considering how heavy the band is. And I'll tell you this, he sings this live just as well as he does on the album. "The Devil in I" is a fantastic track.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #60 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Monday, March 21, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #60

#60. “Bad Girls" – MIA
Released: 31/1/12
Album: Matangi

MIA's breakthrough song "Paper Planes" had come out five years by the point "Bad Girls" came out and she didn't really have much success after which is a shame. But with "Bad Girls" MIA had another shot at the mainstream and created a fine RnB track, one that got a decent amount of airplay and actually was used in quite a few commercials if I remember correctly. It's got some lovely Middle Eastern samples in the song and as you can imagine, the song is all about "girl power" and being a strong female. It's a very simple yet inspiring song for all young girls and very catchy to boot. Me likey.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #61 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #61

#61. “Narcissistic Cannibal" – KoRn (feat. Skrillex and Kill the Noise)
Released: 21/10/11
Album: The Path of Totality

If you like dubstep and you like metal, there's an album you MUST listen to if you haven't already, and that's "The Path of Totality" by KoRn. I'm not going to say you'll like it or you'll hate it, but either way it's an album that needs your attention because it's just so different from anything else out there at the moment. KoRn really made a groundbreaking album, for good or for bad that mixes to very different genres together and created a very interesting sound. If you're interested I did review the album on this site, you can read that here.

As for "Nacissistic Cannibal" this is a very good song to get your head around the general sound of the album. It's not my favourite on the album, but collaborating with Skrillex for the main single off the album made perfect sense for KoRn and the end result is a song that does its very hardest to incoorporate the two genres together. The chorus is very similar to a lot of other KoRn tracks but then you have some pretty sweet electronic solo music towards the end courtesy of Skrillex. It's a fine track in my opinion, but as I said it's not for everyone.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #62 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #62

#62. “stevie" – Kasabian
Released: 7/11/14
Album: 48:13

This song was also in my Top 100 Favourite Music Videos of All Time list, getting to #94, you can read that entry here.

I will admit that the music video for this song is what made me fall in love it. There's a reason why it's my favourite music video from the year 2014. Watch it below to find out why. It's a damn good music video, definitely my favourite by Kasabian. And the song itself, because of the video, is that much better. It's just a really cool Kasabian song, one of their songs that went under the radar really. That being said I have seen the video a few times on the music channels but it's not like the song hit the UK charts or anything. Either way it's a really good song and one you should listen to if you've not heard it before, and like Kasabian.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #63 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #63

#63. “Suit and Tie" – Justin Timberlake (feat. Jay-Z)
Released: 15/1/13
Album: The 20/20 Experience

At first I didn't like this song but it just grew and grew on me and it's ended up being a very good JT track. Then again, Timberlake in general has been one of those guilty pleasures of mine. For long periods of time I denied liking his music but in fairness he's a great talent, in a genre I really don't like much. That's pretty much my relationship with Justin Timberlake in a nutshell.

"Suit and Tie" has some lovely grooves in the track courtesy of some sampling of "Sho 'Nuff" by Sly, Slick and Wicked and Timberland as always does a great job in producing the track. Jay-Z's rap at the end compliments the track well and the music video, directed by David Fincher is simple yet artistic in its simplicity. "Suit and Tie" is simply a fine effort by Justin Timberlake and it became one of my most played tracks of the year 2013.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #64 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #64

#64. “Where's Your Car Debbie" – Slaves
Released: 6/2/14
Album: None

So if you've been following my radio shows or my website recently, you might have noticed that a certain band called Slaves is my current favourite band. And it's not even close. So it's a guarantee that Slaves will appear three times in this list, the maximum an artist will appear in the 100 listings. So here's the first of those tracks. "Where's Your Car Debbie" is Slaves in a nutshell - punky, garage rocky, and very very silly. When Isaac Holman, the lead singer, was asked about the meaning behind this song, he literally said "As we are walking to the car I said where’s your car Debbie?" - and they thought that would be a good lyric. They were actually looking for a car that belonged to Debbie by the way. Fascinating story right?? I know it's silly but in the end, Slaves are a silly band. But they make excellent music, very catchy garage punk and they're just, in my opinion, the most exciting band out there at the moment. If you haven't listened to Slaves yet please give them a listen, they deserve your attention.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #65 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #65

#65. “Kill the Power" – Skindred
Released: 24/11/13
Album: Kill the Power

Any song that starts with the words "This is a Resident Evil attack" gets a thumbs up from me. Skindred have always produced really good singles throughout their career and "Kill the Power" is no different. It's probably one of my favourite Skindred singles in years, it's hard to pinpoint why because it doesn't so anything out of the ordinary, in terms of being much different to other singles in the past. I think it's because I hadn't heard Skindred for a few years, then they came back with this song and it reminded me about how good they were and are. If you haven't listened to Skindred you really should, mixing Reggae and Metal isn't easy, but Benji, the lead singer makes it seem flawless. And they're from Wales too which is a huge bonus!

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #66 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #66

#66. “Princess of China" – Coldplay (feat. Rihanna)
Released: 14/2/12
Album: Mylo Xyloto

Once again a song appears in this list that would also fit in a "songs I didn't expect to like" category. The two biggest singles off Mylo Xyloto (this and "Paradise") were both cracking tracks by Coldplay, and as I said in the entry for Paradise at #89, Coldplay aren't a band I really "love" but over the years I've ended up liking certain tracks by them. The same applies to Rihanna, I've never really liked her music (or her for that matter) but in fairness she does a very good job in this song. The very unlikely collaboration between Coldplay and Rihanna was a fantastic success, and, for me, it's a highlight in both of their careers.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #67 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Monday, March 14, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #67

#67. “Nightmare" – Avenged Sevenfold
Released: 18/5/10
Album: Nightmare

I remember "Nightmare" coming out quite well. At the time I wasn't the biggest Avenged fan, and to this day I don't "love" them, but definitely respect and appreciate them a lot more now than I did back in the day. I remember that "Nightmare" was the first song released by A7X since their drummer The Rev passed away. A lot of people weren't sure if the band would bounce back well, because of how highly thought of he was as a member of the band and as a drummer.

But "Nightmare" is an excellent track. It has everything you'd expect from an Avenged song, some excellent guitar solos, some really good drums, heavily inspired by The Rev (he did work on this song before his death) and of course, M Shadow's very distinctive vocals. The video is very silly but very watchable too. "Nightmare" has become one of the band's biggest songs and considering that it came out after The Rev passed away shows you that the band definitely had plenty left in the tank at that point. Do they now is another debate (personally I still like them but I know others that disagree).

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #68 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Top 100 Favourite Songs 2010-14 Edition: #68

#68. “One for the Road" – Arctic Monkeys
Released: 9/12/13
Album: AM

I don't mind telling you now that the Arctic Monkeys appear three times in this list (the total maximum of times an artist will appear). I also don't mind telling you that all three songs on this list are from their "AM" album. "AM" is going to go down in history as one of the best rock albums of this decade, it's no dispute. It's really when the Arctic Monkeys cracked America, but more importantly, found their next level. Their debut album was fantastic, but it was also flawed and beautiful in its own way. The three albums in between were all fine efforts, but never could they top their first. With "AM" they've really polished their sound, made it bigger, sexier and just better generally, and it's just fantastic.

"One for the Road" is a fine single, it actually took a while for it to grow on me. It has a gorgeous blues riff, apparently heavily inspired by The Queens of the Stone Age, who have in recent years really taken the Monkeys under their wing in America and helped them out. Josh Homme actually appears as a backing vocalist on this single too. It's just a really cool song, and Alex Turner has never sounded better really.

Here's the music video if you want to hear it!

If you missed #69 go here.

For the latest updates on my work, including all my latest radio shows, follow me on Facebook and Twitter here!